Parish Calendar

Meeting Scheduled

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
March 17, 2019(27 events)

Category: Mass/Worship
9:00 am: Mass For Paul Gerrish

Category: Mass/Worship
11:15 am: Sunday Mass For Dr. William Ball

Category: Faith Formation
12:15 pm: LifeTeen - Confirmation Prep

March 18, 2019(24 events)
March 19, 2019(28 events)

Category: Mass/Worship
1:00 pm: Eucharistic Adoration/Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Category: Mass/Worship
5:30 pm: Mass for Fr. Laurence Gauthier

Category: Parish Events
6:00 pm: Family Pot Luck

Category: Faith Formation
6:45 pm: R.C.I.A. - Metanoia - Going Beyond

March 20, 2019(28 events)

Category: Mass/Worship
9:00 am: Mass for Donald Theoret

Category: Faith Formation
10:00 am: Share the Word

Category: Parish Events
5:00 pm: Widowed Friends Social

March 21, 2019(27 events)

Category: Mass/Worship
9:00 am: Mass For Patricia Bloome

Category: Faith Formation
10:00 am: Bible Study - Gospel of John

March 22, 2019(31 events)

Category: Mass/Worship
9:00 am: Mass for Mary Jeske (Living)

Category: Mass/Worship
10:00 am: Stations of the Cross

Category: Parish Events
4:30 pm: Fish Fry and Fellowship

Category: Mass/Worship
7:00 pm: Stations of the Cross

March 23, 2019(29 events)

Category: Reconciliation
3:30 pm: Reconciliation

Category: Mass/Worship
4:30 pm: Mass For John Colantonio